
Since SWOT 2020 takes place during top touristic season we recommend to make a reservation in advance. Below is several examples of tourist accommodation facilities in various prices All places in the list are conveniently situated, less than 20 minutes walking distance from our university and city center.


Antica Residence

We prereserved rooms for SWOT participant in this hotel. You should confirm that you are a SWOT participant by providing a keyword SWOT2020, when booking. There may be no room available for non SWOT participants.

The prices are: 195PLN – single, 255PLN double – breakfast included.

Hotels private car park.

ul. Czarnowiejska 76

30-054 Kraków,

tel. (+48) 12 631 23 50,

fax (+48) 12 633 49 52


HOTEL „Aleksander II”

ul. Garbarska 18

31-131 Kraków

tel. (+48) 12 422 96 60


Hotel „Logos”

ul. Szujskiego 5

31-123 Kraków

tel. (+48) 12 631 62 00

fax (+48) 12 632 42 10


Hotel „Fortuna”

ul. Czapskich 5

31-110 Kraków

tel. (+48) 12 422 31 43


Student Dormitory

Conveniently situated student dormitory is „Żaczek” or „Nawojka.” Precise information can be found in:


We suggest making your reservation as soon as possible (preferably before the end of March) since July is a top tourist season in Krakow.

Our bank exchange rate is approximately 4.25 PLN for 1 euro (as of January 8, 2020).

University of Agriculture in Krakow
Aleja Mickiewicza 21
12 633 62 45
12 662 42 51
© 2021 University of Agriculture in Krakow.
Site Editor: Tomasz Beberok